Exxonmobil is working judiciously with other companies to accelerate society’s path to net zero especially in the case of the carbon capture and storage agreement in Louisiana with CF industries, the world’s largest producer of ammonia.
Ammonia is sometimes compared with household cleaning products, it actually has a higher calling and is the major ingredient in nitrogen fertilizer so is used in half of world’s food production indicating how important it is to the world, its other “higher calling” is due to it emits no CO2 emissions at its point of use. In key sectors like marine transportation it emerged as a low carbon energy carrier.
Ammonia is not quite suitable for renewable energies like wind and solar but we would continue to enjoy the importance. How do we reap the benefit becomes an answering question as well as how to reduce the emissions related to its production. Perhaps most essential materials like steel, cement, fuel – ammonia production needs a lot of heat and energy.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an answer and a proven technology in which CO2 is captured and stored deep underground rather than unleashing in the atmosphere. CCS played major role in meeting society’s goal of zero emissions as observed by the International Energy Agency and other experts
ExxonMobil have over 30 years’ experience in carbon capture. Our ability to capture is being boosted by our Low Carbon Solution business, transport and store CO2 for our customers including CF industries in emission reduction support.
We made an agreement in Louisiana to store up to 2 million metric tons yearly of CO2 captured from CF Industries ammonia plant in Donaldsonville with effect in 2025. The replacement of 700,000 gasoline power cars with electric vehicles (EV) is equivalent to emissions savings. Which is more than all the EVs sold in the United State last yeah.
Commercial transportation and power generation affecting the climate challenge will need big solution like ones ExxonMobil is scaling up involving CCS, hydrogen and advanced biofuels due to 80% of the worlds related greenhouse gas emissions coming from sectors like heavy industry (including ammonia production).
President of ExxonMobil’s Low Carbon Solution business, Dan Ammann recently stated in a presentation to investors, , our CCS agreement with CF is an example of how we’re “helping to accelerate the world’s path to net zero by making that path economically viable and making it executable at a scale that matters.”